Artificer - 5 February 2022
Welcome to Artificer! A small coffee bar and roastery out of Surry Hills operated by two legends of the industry Dan Yee and Shoji Sasa. Artificer has quickly become the best place in Sydney for specialty coffee.
If you look closely, you might notice we are only actually featuring 3 coffees this week:
1. Colombia Matambo AA
2. Peru La Danta AA
3. Rwanda Cyarumbo Women's Coffee
This is because the seasonal blend is made up of coffees 1&2. Ever wondered why we blend coffees together? If you’re on the Milk or Mixed subscription this week is a chance to get some first hand experience on the matter. As you’re drinking your coffees’, think about the flavour, texture and mouth feel. Compare the Seasonal with the Peru and think about which one you prefer. Does the seasonal taste different to you even though 40% of it is the Peru? You might be surprised to the answer.
Most importantly though, enjoy these delicious coffees courtesy of Artificer.

Seasonal Blend
60%: Colombia - Matambo AA
40%: Peru - La Danta AA
Roast date - 4/2/2022
Process - Washed
Flavour notes - Milk Chocolate, Peaches
Peru La Danta AA
100%: Peru - La Danta AA
Roast date - 4/2/2022
Process - Washed
Altitude - 1500 - 1850 masl
Flavour notes - Milk Chocolate, Nectarine, Apple
Rwanda Cyarumbo Women's Coffee
Roast date - 4/2/2022
Process - Washed
Altitude - 1500-1800 masl
Flavour notes - Peach, Honey, Milk Chocolate
Espresso - 9 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.4 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Espresso - 6 bar Brew ratio - 1:2.8 (dry coffee : espresso liquid) Temp - 94 Deg C Time - 25-30 seconds. *Adjust grind size to achieve the desired time
Pourover Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:14 (dry coffee:water) Bloom - 30 seconds Flow rate - fast *Adjust grind size to achieve desired flow rate
Aeropress Temp - off the boil Ratio - 1:13 (dry coffee : water) Bloom - 30 seconds Brew time - 90 seconds (including bloom) Press consistently over 15-20 seconds.
Stove top Ratio - 1-13 (dry coffee : water) |

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